
课程编号:3125130学时/学分:64/2先修课程:生态学,生物多样性与保护,高等数学,统计学 考核方法:考查 课程简介 1 中文简介 生态学与生物多样性综合实习是生物科学专业的必修课。本课程主要通过野外综合实习系统介绍生态学与生物多样性研究的主要方法和技术手段。主要实习内容包括生物个体对环境因子的响应研究、种群数量动态观测、生物群落的物种组成与时空结构调查、生物多样性调查技术、植被空间分布规律观察与描述、生态系统服务功能评价等。通过实习课程使学生深化理解理生态学及生物多样性保护的基本理论,掌握一般生态学与生物多样性研究的基础方法和主要技能。为日后的研究和学习奠定基础。 2 英文简介 The Field Comprehensive Practice Course for Ecology and Biodiversity is a compulsory course for students majoring in bio-science。 This course systematically provides the audience with principle methodology and technology in ecological and biodiversity research through field education. The main contents of the course include experiments in detecting the responses of plants to changing environment, dynamic population observation, community survey of spatial-temporal structure and species composition, biodiversity inventory, geographical vegetation spectrum observation, ecosystem services assessment, etc. This course can improve students’ understanding of the important theories in ecology and biodiversity and equip them with some commonly-used skills in ecology and biodiversity to facilitate their future research or study.
